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Aimant " Christians Have Been Warning About The AntiChrist For Years "
Aimant " Establish Dominance By Telling Someone You're Praying For Them "
Aimant " Hey Train Wreck This Isn't Your Station "
Aimant " I'm Really Questioning If Humanity Is Worth Saving At This Point"
Aimant " I'm Sorry, I know I Said Hi "
Aimant " One Minute You're Young .. Then Suddenly You Have A Favorite Pharmacy "
Aimant " Self-Checkout Should Include An Employee Discount "
Aimant " Sleep Is For People Who Aren't Holding The World Together With The Mental Force Of Their Anxiety "
Aimant " They Say Dress For The Job You Want ... Clearly I No Longer Want To Work "
Aimant " We're All Born Naked The Rest Is Drag "
Aimant " When I Die And My Life Flashes Before My Eyes I Hope There's A Blooper Reel "
Aimant " When People Call Me Weird I Say Thank You "
Aimant " You Had Me At F*ck The System "
Aimant "A day without wine is like…Just kidding, I have no idea.''
Aimant "A Group Of Gay People Is Called A Pride''
Aimant "Agree To Disagree Is Where You Both Just Decide The Other Person Is An Asshole"
Aimant "All I Know Is Nobody Ever Invaded A Country In The Name Of Satan Fridge Magnet.''
Aimant "Anyone who has ever worked in retail should be gifted one free murder"
Aimant "Be Careful What You Wish For You Will Be Targeted With Ads For Similar Items Forever"
Aimant "Call me crazy, but I hope someday women have more rights than guns do"
Aimant "Don't be afraid to use all the colors in the crayon box"
Aimant "Drink Responsibly Use A Fucking Coaster"
Aimant "Earth" without "art" is just "Eh"
Aimant "Every Dead Body On Mount Everest Was Once A Highly Motivated Person"