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Aimant " They Say Dress For The Job You Want ... Clearly I No Longer Want To Work "
Aimant " We're All Born Naked The Rest Is Drag "
Aimant " Christians Have Been Warning About The AntiChrist For Years "
Aimant " Sleep Is For People Who Aren't Holding The World Together With The Mental Force Of Their Anxiety "
Aimant " Self-Checkout Should Include An Employee Discount "
Aimant " I'm Sorry, I know I Said Hi "
Aimant "I Only Worry About Two Things The Past And The Future. Also Right Now Is Troubling"
Aimant "I Wish I Knew How To Say Anything Without Soundind Sarcastic"
Aimant "Be Careful What You Wish For You Will Be Targeted With Ads For Similar Items Forever"
Aimant "Relax, Everything Will Be Fine If We Just Ignore All The Facts And Informations"
Aimant "Yeah I'm Into Fitness, Fitness Whole Pizza In My Mouth"
Aimant "It's Like My Mom Always Said , What The F*ck Is Wrong With You"
Aimant "We Ate Out Of Rusty Lunchboxes What's Your Excuse"
Aimant "I can't believe I still have to protest this fucking shit"
Aimant "Of course you can be anything you want to be. That's how delusions work"
Aimant "I'm not fucking stupid. I mean I used to, but we broke up"
Aimant "You use a wine stopper ? That's adorable"
Aimant "Strong people stand up for themselves but stronger people stand up for others"
Aimant "Don't be afraid to use all the colors in the crayon box"
Aimant "Call me crazy, but I hope someday women have more rights than guns do"
Aimant "Anyone who has ever worked in retail should be gifted one free murder"
Aimant "Still waiting for those cookies I accepted on all those websites"
Aimant Live long and prosper
Aimant "If It Involves Fake Smiling I'm Not Going"