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Aimant ''If you don't have anything nice to say, there's a good chance you're thriving online.''
Aimant "If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong''
Aimant "I missed you. Just kidding. I threw up on your pillow''
Aimant ''I can multitask, I can ignore several things at once.''
Aimant ''GRAMMAR the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit''
Aimant ''Fuck this shit. I'll be a stripper.''
Aimant "Earth" without "art" is just "Eh"
Aimant ''Why don't you have a seat and explain where my testicles went''
Aimant "Potatoes make french fries, chips and vodka. It's like the other vegetables aren't even trying''
Aimant "Parenting is basically just threats and bribery''
Aimant ''Well, I'm not a doctor, Karen, but I can tell you it looks weird.''
Aimant ''Nothing says I mean business like using a cart at the liquor store.''
Aimant ''Why am I the only naked person at this gender reveal party?''
Aimant ''Exercise?! I thought you said Extra Fries!''
Aimant ''Everyone hates millennials until it's time to convert a PDF into a Word document''
Aimant ''Based on my Netflix recommendations, I'm either a serial killer or a chef''
Aimant ''It's Okay laundry, no one wants to do me either.''
Aimant "I thought I had social anxiety. Turns out I just didn't want to hang out with a bunch of assholes.''
Aimant "Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.''
Aimant "My exercise routine consists of doing diddly squats''
Aimant "I never thought the apocalypse would involve so much eating''
Aimant 'The human body is 90% water. We're basically cucumbers with anxiety.''
Aimant ''COME TO THE DARK SIDE. We have no electricity bills''
Aimant ''Relationship Status: Available for Curbside Pickup.''